Consultant – Global – Developing Trust Methodologies


The Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation brings together governments and businesses as equal partners to address delays and unnecessary red-tape at borders and design and deploy targeted reforms that deliver commercially quantifiable results.

Our work helps governments in developing and least developed countries to implement the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement.

We are led by the Center for International Private Enterprise, the International Chamber of Commerce and the World Economic Forum, in cooperation with Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. We are funded by the governments of the United States, Canada, Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom and Australia.

With the support of the Alliance and through a process of co-creation and co-implementation, governments and businesses identify trade facilitation issues and deliver reform. With both sectors as equal partners from start to finish, the private and public sector take joint ownership of our projects. This approach allows us to strengthen the capacity of the local private sector in developing and least developed countries to engage in public-private dialogue and it means we can deliver projects with business-efficiency, guided by rigorous targeting, monitoring and evaluation.

Assignment background and overview

This Alliance approach of delivering trade facilitation reform is based on the premise that bringing the public and private sectors together to create and implement projects allows both public and private sector perspectives and expertise to be integrated at every phase of the project. Furthermore, it leads to improved coordination between the two sectors and improved capacities of both to implement reforms that reduce the cost and unpredictability of trade.

This theory of how the Alliance effects change rests on two hypotheses:

  1. The public-private dialogues facilitated by the Alliance lead to increased meaningful engagement and trust between the public and private sectors in project countries, and
  2. This increased engagement and trust both cements, reform and paves the way for future reform, helping to accelerate implementation of the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement.

This consultancy will help us test these two hypotheses and develop a case study (in 2 countries where projects are currently being implemented) that measures levels of trust and examines what factors lead to or hindered the creation of trust between the public and private sector in Alliance projects.

Tasks of the consultant

With the inputs and collaboration from the Alliance Measurement team and the World Economic Forum’s Impact Measurement and Management team, the selected candidate(s) will help the Alliance in developing the following tasks:

  • Building up on the desk review on existing literature on building trust (i.e. OECD Trust report),
  • Develop a sound methodology (including specific processes and tools) to create a case study that tests the validity and reliability of the two hypotheses on building trust (taking into account the collection of retrospective data),
  • Develop measurement tools (being surveys, interviews or other methods) to apply the identified methodology and test the assumptions through the case study
  • Assist in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data from the case study and,
  • Draft a concise report on the main findings as well as possible recommendations for next steps (for possibility of future scale up).

Deliverables and timeline:

 The consultancy is home-based and will be conducted between September and November 2020. The key deliverables and timelines for this assignment are:

Key deliverables Due date Payment Schedule
Methodological inception report – including finalised data collection tools and data collection plan 18 September, 2020
Participation in the data collection and analysis of the data


21 September – October 16, 2020 50% upon finalisation
Initial draft of the case study report 23 October, 2020
Final draft of the case study report 6 November, 2020 50% upon submission

Requirements and experience:

  • Minimum of five years of experience conducting research in behavioral and social science research, particularly with a focus on trust and its determinants, sentiment, relationship-building or international development.
  • Extensive experience with building methodologies and tools to measure trust (as well as understand what drives trust.
  • Demonstrated command of Microsoft packages (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access) and statistical analysis software (e.g. STATA, SPSS) is required.
  • Experience in quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed methods research
  • Fluency in spoken and written English required. Fluency in Spanish an asset.
  • Attention to detail, superior organisation skills and ability to operate within tight deadlines.


Candidates are requested to submit the following by 4 September 2020 to and

  • Cover letter detailing previous experience as it relates to this ToR
  • Curriculum Vitae (CVs) and/or company profile
  • One research report related to trust
  • Financial Proposal – including fee per day (in USD)