Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation Annual Report 2019
2019 saw the Alliance deliver measurable results in making trade simpler, faster and more cost-effective, demonstrate a new level of value-for-money in aid for trade by tapping into private sector resources like never before and forge public-private partnerships that pave the way for sustainable reforms.
The report sets out how, in a year when the multilateral trading system has been under pressure, the Alliance is pioneering a new multilateralism – an alliance far broader, more inclusive and human than our traditional notion of the term: governments, regulators, businesses and civil society across the globe working together on reforms that can support inclusive economic growth, help small and medium sized enterprises to grow, create jobs, and improve lives. The ongoing global health crisis only serves to highlight the importance of this type of collaboration.
We are delivering measurable results, making trade simpler, faster and more cost-effective and pushing forward the implementation of the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement. 2019 saw us complete and evaluate our first project which delivered significant benefits for both government and business in Colombia.
We are also delivering value for money in aid for trade by tapping into the expertise and resources of business like never before.
Finally, the way we deliver projects through public-private partnerships is enabling us to foster the right relationships for reform to flourish. We have successfully encouraged government agencies to work together, supported the private sector to work collaboratively towards a common good, and fostered trust between the public and private sectors. In our report you will find testimonials from our project partners reflecting on how they are experiencing this change and their hopes to build on this progress in the future.