Consultant – Nigeria – International Consultant

Request for Proposal: Technical consulting services for validation of a Business Action Project idea in  Nigeria


1.          Background

The Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (Alliance) is an initiative jointly hosted by the World Economic Forum, the International Chamber of Commerce and the Center for International Private Enterprise in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

The Alliance’s work is designed to help governments in developing and least developed countries implement the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement.

The Alliance is supported by the governments of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and Denmark, and works with private sector partners from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to the world’s largest multinationals such as DHL, FCA Group, Maersk, UPS and Walmart.

Alliance projects are developed through ‘co-creation’ which brings together governments and businesses to identify trade facilitation issues or through its Business Action Project (BAP) initiative which allows Alliance business partners to propose ideas for projects. If a BAP project idea is selected, the Alliance validates the project idea in-country with the relevant government authorities and local businesses. In both cases, government and business in-country work together as equal partners to design and implement targeted reforms that deliver commercially quantifiable results. The Alliance is currently implementing ‘co-created’ projects in Brazil, Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Zambia, and a regional project in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is developing further ‘co-created’ projects in Costa Rica, India, Nigeria, the Pacific Islands, Tunisia and Senegal.

The Alliance intends to validate BAP project ideas in Cambodia, Colombia, Costa Rica and Nigeria.


2.          Assignment Background and Overview

The Alliance wishes to scope a BAP project idea related to duty waivers for importation of humanitarian aid healthcare products in Nigeria (the “Nigeria BAP”) and is seeking an experienced technical advisor to support the project scoping process.


 3.         Tasks of the Consultant

The selected candidate will provide the technical expertise and know-how required to evaluate and assess the feasibility of the Nigeria BAP. If the Nigeria BAP is approved for implementation by the Alliance’s Management Team, the selected candidate will prepare the technical requirements for the Request for Proposal for project implementation (the “Nigeria RFP”).

The work will be conducted remotely and, if travel and health regulations and precautions allow, through a mission to Nigeria.

The selected candidate will work closely with the Alliance’s Business Action Project lead who is responsible for the project idea validation process and its potential implementation. The selected candidate will also coordinate closely with GIZ which is leading the development of a co-created project in Nigeria for the Alliance.


Phase 1: Project idea validation (20 days for international consultant)

1.       Nigeria BAP scoping

·        Propose and carry out a project scoping plan, including a detailed stakeholder map

·        Provide the services of an in-country consultant and guide their work (if no in-country consultant is available, the selected candidate will work collaboratively with an in-country consultant procured directly by the Alliance)

·        Gather and review relevant documents and materials related to duty waivers for humanitarian shipments in Nigeria and prepare a project scoping questionnaire

·        Support the setting up and confirmation of meetings with key government and private sector stakeholders where necessary

·        Where necessary, set up and participate in telephone, video and other forms of remote discussions

·        Support the preparation of public-private dialogues

·        If necessary and feasible, plan roundtables/workshops locally with both private sector and government

·        Research and propose best practices for the design of the project

·        Consult and coordinate with the Alliance’s Metrics & Evaluation team on project idea measurement and impact assessment

2.       BAP Validation Report

·        Draft and submit the Nigeria BAP scoping report.

·        Respond to comments from the Alliance’s Business Action Project Lead and Management Team.


Phase 2: Request for proposal (3 days)

If the Nigeria BAP is approved for implementation, draft and provide inputs into the technical requirements of the Nigeria RFP.

This phase is contingent on the Nigeria BAP being approved for implementation by the Alliance’s Management Team.


4.          Deliverables

The key deliverables for this assignment will be:

(i)                 the project scoping plan, including a detailed stakeholder map;

(ii)                the project scoping questionnaire;

(iii)               the project scoping report; and

(iv)               if the Nigeria BAP is approved for implementation, the technical requirements for the Nigeria RFP.


5.          Required Profile

–          Minimum of 5 years of experience in customs modernization and trade facilitation reforms in West Africa

–          Demonstrated command of duty waivers, preferably in the context of humanitarian relief shipments

–          Proven track record in scoping and designing trade facilitation technical projects

–          Experience with public-private partnerships

–          Strong understanding of the WTO TFA and other applicable international instruments

–          Strong written communication and stakeholder engagement skills

–          Ability to travel to Nigeria as needed (health and government regulations permitting)

–          Strong written and oral communication skills in English.


6.          Contract and Selection Process

Direct contract by World Economic Forum.

Please submit your statement of qualifications, including CVs in English of the consultant(s) proposed for this assignment, and a financial proposal in US Dollars in PDF format to Marusa Godina ( by 23 April 2020. Include in the subject line: “BAP International Consultant – Nigeria.”

If your proposal also includes a consultant based in Nigeria, please specify the proposed number of days for this assignment.

Please submit any questions in relation to this RFP by email to Marusa Godina (Marusa.Godina and include in the subject line “BAP International Consultant – Nigeria RFP Questions”.