Consultant – Tunisia – Trade Facilitation Project

This opportunity is now closed.


Contracting authority:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 

Scope of the procurement:

812041049-Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation Project in Tunisia


Main CPV code: 75211200-0

Short description:
The assignment will be part of the module “Job partnerships and promotion of medium-sized enterprises in Tunisia”, implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in the framework of Tunisian-German Cooperation. The project will also be embedded in the operational framework of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (“Global Alliance”, or “GATF”). The Global Alliance is a public-private partnership dedicated to international trade facilitation. It is jointly led by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) – in cooperation with GIZ (GIZ Programme “Alliance for Trade Facilitation”). The Global Alliance”s approach, known as “co-creation”, is to involve the private sector as an equal partner of government, leveraging its resources and know-how in the development and implementation of reforms.

Main place of performance: Tunisia

The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:

Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via this e-tendering market place:

Description of the procurement: 

The contractor of the assignment will be responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring a GATF trade facilitation project in Tunisia. By doing so, the project will contribute to improve the conditions for trade and investment of German and European enterprises in Tunisia, especially in the automobile and aeronautics sector. The project will strongly contribute to implement approaches to reduce concrete barriers to trade, investment and business, developed jointly with European companies from all sectors (2 of them in cooperation with the global project “Training and Employment”). The project will also contribute to reduce trading costs and/or time for companies active in Tunisia. Key activities include amongst others:
– Conduct project scoping activities to consult with Tunisian government and the private sector to co-create a project concept supported by the findings of the TTLC study
– Develop a concept for a trade facilitation project jointly with public and private sector stakeholders
– Develop a proposal for a trade facilitation project in Tunisia jointly with public and private sector stakeholder
– Coordinate the implementation of the project plan
– Collect and analyze data on project output level
– Collaborate with the GATF Secretariat in carrying out Total Transport and Logistics Cost (TTLC) studies
– Organize public-private dialogue events with stakeholders during design and implementation of projects
– Coordinate strategies and activities with the GATF Secretariat
– Organize capacity building activities for government representatives
– Prepare and execute study trips
– Monitor the project progress and report to the GIZ and GATF Secretariat
– Plan the evaluation of the project and provide relevant information, including lessons learned.

The contractor of this assignment will be required to provide the following personnel:
– Team leader: Assignment in country for 25 expert months
– Project manager: Assignment in country for 25 expert months
– Short-term expert pool: total 12 expert months

Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system:



Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:

A selection will be made under all eligible participants based on the following criteria:

A) Technical experience
1. strategy development for trade facilitation measures (10% weighting)
2. organizing public private dialogue sessions (10% weighting)
3. capacity development for private sector representatives and government stakeholders in the area of trade (10% weighting)
4. introduction of digital procedures in governmental processes (10% weighting)
5. monitoring and evaluation (10% weighting)

B) Regional experience: Reference projects in Africa (30% weighting)

C) Experience of development projects (ODA-financed) (20% weighting)

Time limit for receipt of requests to participate:

25.06.2019 12:00 o’clock


Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates:

Date of dispatch: 09.07.2019

Full description