Consultant – ASEAN – Tabletop Testing Expert

The Tabletop Testing Consultant will support the USABC and Alliance’s initiative to help individual governments within the ASEAN region be fully ready to receive consignments of the Covid-19 vaccine in optimal condition and to effectively manage issues as they arise.

Tabletop Testing Consulting Services

Covid Vaccine Clearance Process Preparedness

1) Background

The Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (the Alliance) is a public-private partnership for trade led growth jointly hosted by the World Economic Forum, the International Chamber of Commerce and the Center for International Private Enterprise in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

The Alliance’s work is designed to help governments in developing and least developed countries implement the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). It brings together governments and businesses as equal partners to identify trade facilitation issues such as customs delays and unnecessary red-tape at borders, and design and implement targeted reforms that deliver commercially quantifiable results.

The Alliance is supported by the governments of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and Denmark, and works with private sector partners from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to the world’s largest multinationals such as DHL, FCA Group, Maersk, UPS and Walmart.

In collaboration with the US-ASEAN Business Council (US-ABC) the Alliance is developing a project aimed at supporting countries in the ASEAN region to prepare for the importation of the Covid-19 vaccine and related critical medical equipment.  For this purpose we are seeking a consultant to support the planning, hosting and evaluation of tabletop tests to help national authorities to review and improve relevant border processes.

2) Description of services

The Tabletop Testing Consultant will support the USABC and Alliance’s initiative to help individual governments within the ASEAN region be fully ready to receive consignments of the Covid-19 vaccine in optimal condition and to effectively manage issues as they arise. The Tabletop Testing Consultant will provide the following services:

  • Work with the Alliance to integrate Tabletop Testing Exercise (TTX) into the wider project deliverables and to develop a collaborative learning approach whereby capacity is built within the Alliance Team to run subsequent TTXs with increased levels of autonomy
  • Participate in high level kick-off meetings to sensitise stakeholders to approach and benefits of the TTX
  • Work with stakeholders to develop suitable objectives for the TTX
  • Create a high level TTX road map for discussion and approval
  • Help identify suitable members of a TTX planning team
  • Facilitate and provide technical expertise during TTX planning meetings including developing suitable scenarios and injects
  • Oversee the development of a detailed TTX plan for approval by the TTX planning team
  • Advise on suitable arrangements for hosting the TTX including provision for remote participation
  • Help identify suitable participants for the TTX
  • Develop TTX re-usable guides for:
    • Facilitators
    • Participants
    • Evaluators
  • Provide expert resources to:
    • Act as the Director of the TTX
    • Facilitate the TTX
    • Oversee evaluation of the TTX
  • Ensure that TTX Is hosted in a smooth and professional manner
  • Create a draft After Action Report for discussion and approval by the TTX participants

4) Requirements

The Tabletop Testing Consultant must:

  • Demonstrate a track record of TTX delivery in the field of disaster preparedness, supply chain strengthening or trade facilitation
  • Have experience of delivering TTXs remotely over Zoom or similar
  • Have experience of working in developing countries, particularly those in ASEAN
  • Be prepared to work in a manner that collaboratively develops learning within the Alliance team
  • Possess strong communication and stakeholder engagement skills with the ability to work in a multi-stakeholder, multi-cultural environment.

5) Duration of Assignment

The duration of the contract will be approximately 3 months, potentially renewable.

Expected start date: as soon as possible.

6) Payments

The services will be delivered on a fixed cost basis payable according to the following milestones:

  • Completion of high level TTX roadmap – 10%
  • Completion of detailed TTX plan – 20%
  • Completion of re-usable TTX guides for Facilitators, Participants and Evaluators – 20%
  • Completion of the TTX – 30%
  • Completion of the Action Report – 20%

7) Application

To apply for this opportunity, please send your technical and financial proposal (in US Dollars) in PDF format to: Sandra Wydler ( with the subject line: “Tabletop Testing Consultant [YOURNAME]”.

All applications must be received no later than 11:59pm CET on 01-Mar-21.