ArdoVLM is an international food trading company moving frozen fruits and vegetables, animal proteins and grains across the world from field to market.
“You can be in business and do well by doing good and we are big believers in leveraging trade to deliver positive outcomes in developing countries.
“We source our products from across the globe, building our business by providing our clients with top quality food products, delivered at the right time, place and price. As such we make use of in-house expertise in global transportation, food safety oversight and regulatory compliance – core supply chain management competencies for food sector businesses engaged in international trade.
“Recognised for our work in foreign food safety capacity building, we leverage our regulatory-trade expertise for a greater social good, and the Alliance provides a perfect opportunity for our continued work in this space. Alliance projects are developed from the ground-up by governments and local businesses and our experts act as a sounding board along the way, advising on technical aspects and sharing our knowledge of international best practices.
“In our experience, commerce works best when businesses and regulators work side by side in promoting and protecting legitimate trade. Alliance projects are making meaningful economic differences while also fostering the very business-regulator relationships needed for achieving U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.”